Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis

DD Ann

DD Ann

Our Positioning

Birthed on the foundation of friendship, community, and culture we approach our work with one common thread – authenticity.

Demetria and Jessica first met at Winston-Salem State University, drawn together through the legendary Hall Patterson. Affectionately known as "DD and Jess," they’ve been celebrated for their relentless pursuit of stories, deeply influenced by the vibrancy of HBCU culture.

Ain’t nothin’ changed. Today, we are two, Black women Filmmakers, shining a light on stories that might otherwise go untold, or honestly, unknown. Sometimes, even those making the impact don’t realize the depth of the work they’re putting in to change this world.

This responsibility takes heavy lifting, grit, leadership, dedication, and a keen eye for detail. A role perfect for a woman. A Black woman. Two Black women.

A team of Black women.

Get in Touch!

Excited to collaborate and create impactful content? Share some details with us and let's start this amazing journey together.